By Outgoing President Jackelyn A. Daugherty and New President Terry Burnette
House of Burnett held its annual Board of Directors Meeting on Saturday, 12/05/2020. At that time, we elected a new President. His name is Terry Burnett, and he resides in South Carolina. His bio and his plan for the House of Burnett for 2021 is below. I was elected Secretary and will attempt the daunting task of succeeding Leland.
As many of you know the Highland Games for 2020 were cancelled after the middle of March. Perhaps there will be Highland Games in the Fall after a vaccine is available. Meanwhile, the Highland Games are our main source of new members and thus revenue. So, I am asking all current members to renew and Friends of Burnett to become members of the House of Burnett. You may renew or join via PayPal on the House of Burnett tab of the Burnett.uk.com website, or mail a check for $20.00 to The House of Burnett, PO Box 666, Topock, AZ 86436, USA
I have been the President for over 10 years and have enjoyed the challenge but feel I can better serve as Secretary. I know you will give Terry a warm welcome and your full support.
Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! – Jacky Daugherty
Terry Burnett Bio: Terry Burnett was born in Gadsden, Alabama in 1957. He graduated from Belhaven College in 1979 with a degree in Christian Education. He served as a youth pastor and taught high school history and government from 1979-1985 in Gadsden. In 1989, he graduated from the University of Alabama School of Law and practiced law in Greenville, South Carolina with Haynsworth Baldwin Johnson and Greaves until 1994, when he became the Publications Director for the South Carolina Bar Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Division. In 2002, he became CLE Director and has served in that role since. He is married to Sally Burnett, and between them they have four children and twelve grandchildren (22 years to 10 months). He first got involved with the House of Burnett at the 2018 Grandfather Mountain Games when he met Jim Burnette and John Burnett and has been the South Carolina Convener since 2019. He’s written several articles for the Burnett Banner, including articles on Burnetts in the American Revolution, the Brothers Burnett highland games athletes, and most recently on his father’s World War II military career.
Re: 2021 Proposal for Board Consideration (by Terry Burnett) Date: December 5, 2020
In order to move the House of Burnett forward, I believe that, in general terms, we must address three primary areas: Membership, Finances, and Value. Toward these ends, I offer the following proposals for the Board to consider.
1. Membership: Presently, and because of recent inconsistencies in the office of Secretary and uneven record keeping, the House of Burnett does not appear to have a comprehensive and accurate listing of active (paid) or former (unpaid) members. I propose that we make efforts to gather and review all extant membership records in order to create such a list, and that the Secretary be the sole custodian and repository of membership records, with copies available on request from members of the Board.
2. Finances: House of Burnett Finances are lower than they have been in past years. Once an accurate membership listing has been compiled, I propose that we communicate by mail and/or email with all members of record (past and current) to solicit 2021 calendar year (January-December) annual dues. I propose that the Board approve an annual schedule for communicating with the membership regarding dues renewal and that annual notices go out in November or December for membership renewals to be effective in January. If not already in place, decisions need to be made regarding half-year dues, past due accounts, lapsed memberships, etc.
3. Value: Membership in any organization is dependent on the value that organization provides to its members. Without a solid value proposition, memberships will lapse, and revenues will dwindle. It is critical that we provide ways for HOB members to engage their past, their Burnett heritage and culture, and each other in order to grow and solidify the association. I propose that in communicating with prospective, lapsed, and current members, we should offer creative benefits.
The following non-exclusive list are possible benefits of membership we could offer:
1. Quarterly web-based live stream and archived presentations on items/people of interest to the membership. Topics are virtually limitless, but can include: holiday greeting by the Chief, virtual tours of Crathes or gardens, biographies of famous Burnetts, presentations on Burnett DNA Project, presentations by famous living Burnetts such as Mark Burnett, Carol Burnett, A. J. Burnett (MLB pitcher, now nominated for the HOF), entertainer Rocky Burnette (son of Johnny Burnett), presentation/demonstrations/live competition streams from Brent and Brian Burnett (Highland Games competitors), etc.
2. If approved, consistent Social Media outreach to members on a House of Burnett facebook page, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Messages could include upcoming Highland Games, regional gatherings, doings in Scotland, Scottish historical/cultural tidbits, Burnett trivia, local Burnett family doings, etc. Jody Burnett of Texas has agreed to head up this effort and to help organize streaming events and manage our online presence and projects. He would like to be named volunteer Technology Director for the HOB, if this is acceptable to the Board and Chief.
3. Conveners: I would like us to recruit (at least) Regional Conveners to represent the HOB at Games across the country. There are dozens of annual Games at which we have little or no representation. Games have always been a major source of member recruitment, but we need more conveners. I would like Board members who do not currently convene to consider becoming a convener, and for Regional Conveners to commit to be at 2-3 games per year. To that end, I would like the Board to determine what items it would supply to all Conveners in order to assure a consistent HOB presentation. Those items would be supplied at HOB expense and would be required to be returned if the Convener retires or fails to attend Games. Reports, along with sign-up sheets would be required to be provided to the Secretary at the conclusion of Games.
4. Regional Gatherings: I would like to pursue Regional HOB Gatherings, which would generally be associated and held in conjunction with some of the Highland Games. Gatherings would be organized and possibly hosted by Conveners and would, ideally, take place annually (i.e., a picnic or dinner the night before a Games). I would also like to see us continue and build on the Las Vegas Gathering of a few years ago so that in rotating years when the Crathes Gathering is not held, there would or could be either a National Gathering or East/West Gathering, again in conjunction with major Games events and organized/hosted by Board Officers.
5. Outreach to Younger Members: I would like to see us strategize how to better reach out to and provide membership value to younger members and potential members. I’m thinking specifically about members with young children. In speaking with my daughter, who is 33 and has three children (9,7, and 5), she suggested that specific outreach to the kids would be a way to attract younger families and raise awareness and interest in that demographic. In terms of recruitment and added value, I think an initiative like this deserves some consideration as we go forward.
6. Civic Activities: I would like to propose that the Board encourage members organize or engage in HOB-sponsored civil activities to promote comradery, fellowship, and civil pride. For instance, I have recently volunteered to organize local Burnetts in a road clean-up for Keep-America-Beautiful, which will result in a road sign attributing the effort to the House of Burnett. This is another item that can be pushed out over our social media channels and be useful in recruiting and adding value to membership.
7. Promote Burnett Achievements/Projects: I would like to see the HOB more intentionally promote member achievements and projects. For instance, there are several members who have published books, articles, entertain, have created charitable foundations, etc. Should we consider being more proactive in using online opportunities and in-person events to promote these?
Should you have any questions you may contact Terry or myself. Any comments on Terry’s proposals should be directed to him.
My contact emails: azlassie@gmail.com (check for the “g”), or jdaugherty@1791.com
Terry’s email addresses:
Work email address: Terry.Burnett@scbar.org
Contact Terry at this email address for House of Burnett business: crathes1324@gmail.com